The Ancient Vine That Pulled Me from the Depths of Depression and Trauma

A person surrounded by foliage, looking up as rain falls on their face.
A bearded man with grey hair smiling indoors.

By Will Tussy  | 29 September 2024

I’ll never forget the day it all came crashing down.

I was sitting in my car, parked in front of my house, unable to move.

The world around me was a blur, and my thoughts were a chaotic storm of fear, sadness, and exhaustion.

I felt like a prisoner in my own mind, trapped in a never-ending loop of trapped trauma.

Man in white shirt with abstract orange light streaks emanating from his face.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t escape.

It started innocently enough—a few sleepless nights here and there, a constant knot in my stomach that wouldn’t go away.

But as time went on, the anxiety grew stronger, the depression deeper.

It felt like I was drowning, sinking further and further into a darkness I couldn’t climb out of.

Doctors prescribed Xanax, and I took it, desperate for relief.

One Xanax turned into two until I was popping them like candy just to get through the day.

The more I took, the more numb I became—not just to the pain, but to everything.

I was slipping away from the person I used to be, and the worst part was, I didn’t care anymore.

But even the Xanax wasn’t enough.

Soon, I was turning to stronger, more dangerous drugs, just to feel something, anything, other than the relentless pain inside.

I was spiraling out of control, and I knew it.

But I couldn’t stop.

The drugs were a temporary escape, a way to silence the screaming in my head, but they were also dragging me deeper into the abyss.

I started to think that the only way out was to take my life.

Silhouette of a head with two people, one climbing inside and one sitting.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, pills in one hand wondering if this was it.

Wondering if I was really about to take the final step.

But something stopped me.

A tiny voice, buried deep beneath the chaos, whispered that there had to be another way.

That I wasn’t done yet.

I didn’t know what that way was, but I knew I had to find it.

So I started searching, desperate for something—anything—that could pull me out of the darkness.

And that’s when I stumbled upon an ancient practice that promised healing in a way I had never imagined.

It wasn’t a pill, a therapy, or a quick fix.

It was something far more profound.

Something that had been used for centuries by indigenous cultures to heal the mind and soul.

It was Ay@hu@sc@.

I knew I had to try it.

A group of people participating in a ritual ceremony at night, with one person being blessed.

So I packed my bags, booked a flight, and made my way to the Amazon rainforest.

I found a small village where a local shaman guided me through the ancient ceremony.

The experience was intense, beyond anything I had ever imagined.

It was as if the vine reached deep into my soul, uncovering all the pain, fear, and trauma that I had buried for so long.

Person lying amid foliage, gazing upward in the rain.

The ceremony was challenging, but it was also the most healing experience of my life.

For the first time, I confronted the demons that had been haunting me for years.

I cried, I screamed, I released years of pent-up emotions.

And then, I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time—peace.

A person relaxing in a sunlight-filled room with candles and plants.

But the journey didn’t end there.

The shaman saw how much I was struggling and gave me something that would change my life even further.

He handed me a small bag of Aya vine, telling me that I could continue my healing back home.

He explained that the vine itself, without the full brew, could still provide profound healing effects.

And he wasn’t wrong.

When I returned home, I started microdosing the vine, a practice known as microhuasca.

Each day, I took a small dose, and felt my trauma begin to loosen its hold.

A person meditates in a serene, sunlit forest surrounded by lush greenery.

The depression that weighed me down started to lift, and the traumas that haunted me became easier to process.

It wasn’t just a quick fix—it was a deeper, more sustained healing that allowed me to truly begin to recover.

And then, I came across a study that blew my mind.

Microdosing the Aya vine was even more effective for some people than the full ceremony.

I couldn’t believe it.

The vine that had saved me was even more powerful than I had imagined.

I knew I couldn’t keep this to myself.

I wanted to share this incredible discovery with others who were struggling like I had been.

But I didn’t want to just take from the Amazon without giving back.

So I made a promise.

I decided that 50% of all profits from the venture would go directly to protecting the Amazon and supporting the tribes that rely on it.

This was about more than just my own healing—it was about honoring the source of this powerful medicine and ensuring that it could continue to help others for generations to come.

That’s why I founded Aya Caps.

We’ve taken the essence of the Aya vine and created a simple, accessible way for others to experience its healing benefits—without the intense, often overwhelming effects of the full ceremony.

I've been microdosing Aya for over 2 years now, and the effects have only gotten better. I don't have to increase my dosage.

And if I skip a day, I don't feel withdrawals or side effects.

Aya Caps are designed for people like you and me—who feel like they’re out of options, who just want to feel like themselves again.

A bottle labeled 'AYA caps' in a jungle setting with a campfire in the background at night.

It’s not a miracle cure, but it is a powerful tool that can help you reclaim your life from the grip of depression, anxiety, and trauma.

And we’re not alone in this journey.

So far, we’ve helped over 100,000 Americans recover from the grip of trauma, anxiety, and depression.


“Started taking Aya caps a few weeks ago, and I've noticd a real boost in my mood. It's like I'm more upbreat and ready to tackle my day. Really glad I found this”

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“I was a bit skeptical at first, but these caps really do make a diference. I feel less anxious and more at peace. my sleep has improved too”

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“Honestly, these Aya caps have been a game changer for me. I've struggled with low energy for years and nothing seemed to help much. Now, I feel more energized and focused.”

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“I've been on Aya caps for about a month now, and it's surprising how much they've helped. My friends have noticed too and say I seem more relaxed and happier. Will def keep using them!”

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“Wasn’t sure what to expect with Aya caps, but they've really helped me feel more balanced. I've noticed fewer mood swings, and I'm handling stress way better. Great stuff!”

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“A friend recommended Aya caps, and I'm so thankful she did. I've seen a noticeable improvement in how I feel daily!"

Verified review

The response has been incredible.

The average customer orders 10 bottles.

In fact, even with our 60-day money-back guarantee, our refund rate is less than 1%—which speaks volumes about how much people love it.

Three bottles of AYA caps, Banisteriopsis caapi capsules, with plant slices and a single capsule.Supplement instructions and warnings for Banisteriopsis caapi vine capsules featuring MAOI disclaimer.

If you don’t feel the difference, if you don’t start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Just email us at and get a full, prompt refund within 60 days of purchase. Just send us back the bottles, even if empty.

If you’re reading this and any part of my story resonates with you, I want you to know that there is hope.

You don’t have to keep fighting this battle alone, and you don’t have to keep searching for the answers.

Sometimes, the answer comes from the most unexpected places—like a vine growing deep in the Amazon rainforest.

Give Aya Caps a try, and take that first step towards healing.

Because you deserve to live a life that’s free from the shadows of the past.

It gave me my life back, and I believe it can do the same for you.

Experience the healing widsom of Aya Vine with Microhuasca capsules

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90 Servings

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Three brown bottles labeled 'AYA Caps,' containing Banisteriopsis caapi capsules, each marked with '30 servings.'



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30 Servings

A brown bottle labeled 'AYA Caps' with a single capsule beside it.


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When you choose your best package and complete your order today, our team will prepare and ship your

order right away via UPS Priority Mail… and send you a tracking number via email.

We can't wait to support you on your healing journey,

The Aya Caps Team đź’š


4.8 | 185 reviews


Help relieve anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks from day 1

15 natural ingredients - no side effects

60-day full money-back guarantee

Just 1 capsule a day

And if you EVER have any questions about Aya Caps, you can speak to one of our friendly customer care advocates. There are no “stupid” questions… and no concern too small for the Aya Caps Team.

Don’t believe us? Just call


during normal business hours to see how quickly someone picks up!

If you don't feel the difference, you shouldn't have to pay.

They say the only 2 things that are guaranteed in life are death and taxes. Well now you can add a 3rd thing to that list.

Every purchase from Aya Caps is backed by our no-questions asked, 60-day money-back guarantee.

If you're not happy with your experience with us for whatever reason, just send our friendly team an email and we will refund your order. Just send back the bottle(s), even if empty.

We Know You’re Smart Enough To Know This, But The FDA Requires Us To Say It…

† This product contains Banisteriopsis caapi, which is a natural Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI). Before taking this supplement, please consult with your healthcare provider, especially if you are taking any other medications, as MAOIs can interact with certain drugs, including antidepressants and certain pain medications.

Do not use this supplement if you are taking psychiatric medications or have a history of mental health disorders unless under the direct supervision of a qualified healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Supplement instructions and warnings for Banisteriopsis caapi vine capsules featuring MAOI disclaimer.


We get that most people are not seasoned microdosers.

In fact, we get questions all the time from regular folks who want to “dip their toe in

the water”, but have questions, like


Is Aya Caps safe?

While Aya Caps are generally safe for most people, there are some who should avoid taking them:

  1. People on MAO inhibitors: Since Banisteriopsis caapi is a natural MAOI, it should not be combined with other MAOIs, as this can lead to dangerous interactions.

  2. Those with certain medical conditions: Individuals with heart conditions, liver problems, or severe mental health disorders should consult a healthcare provider before using Aya Caps.

  3. Pregnant or breastfeeding women: The effects of Banisteriopsis caapi on pregnancy and breastfeeding are not well studied, so it’s best to avoid use during these times.

  4. People taking certain medications: Aya Caps can interact with medications, especially those affecting serotonin levels, such as antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs) or certain pain medications. Always check with a healthcare professional before combining with prescription drugs.

Safety is our top priority, so we recommend consulting with a healthcare provider before starting Aya Caps, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.


Can I get addicted to it?

Aya Caps are made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, which is not known to be addictive.

The vine itself does not contain any habit-forming substances, and there is no evidence to suggest that regular use leads to physical or psychological dependence.

Unlike many other substances, Banisteriopsis caapi is traditionally used in a spiritual and medicinal context, promoting balance and well-being rather than creating a cycle of addiction.

However, as with any supplement, it's essential to use it mindfully and according to recommended guidelines.